01.  For each of the following items, choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheet.
i)     A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances in which one of the substances is a solvent is a solvent and the other is solute is:
A. A suspension
B. Emulsion
C. A solution
D. A compound

ii)   The solution that temporarily holds more solute than the saturated solution at a given temperature is:
A. Unsaturated solution
B. A saturated solution
C. A super saturated solution
D. A standard solution

iii)  A heterogeneous mixture of a liquid and fine particles of solid in which the solid does not dissolve but suspended in the liquid is:
A. A suspension
B. A miscible liquid
C. Immiscible liquid
D. Emulsion

iv)   The difference between miscible liquid and immiscible liquids is that:
A. Immiscible liquids form separated layers while miscible liquids do not
B. Immiscible liquids contain more liquid than miscible liquids
C. Immiscible liquids mix while the miscible liquids do not
D. Immiscible liquids do not flow while miscible liquids flow

v)     The process of separating a heterogeneous mixture of liquid and a solid or solids by pouring out of the liquid only and leaving the solid at the bottom of the container is:
A. Evaporation
B. Decantation
C. Distillation
D. Filtration

02.  Define the following terms
i.     Element
ii.   Compound
iii.  Mixture
iv.   Solvent
v.     Solute

03.  (a) Give the differences between a compound and mixture
(b)Give the differences between solution and suspension

04.  Mention any four (4) uses of solvents

05.  For each of the following mixtures, state whether is miscible or immiscible liquids
i.     Mixture of kerosene with water
ii.   Mixture of oil with water
iii.  Mixture of alcohol with water
iv.   Drops of coloured oils in water
v.     Mixture of milk with water.

06.  Name the process that can be used to separate the following substances:
i.     Iodine and sand
ii.   Kerosene and water
iii.  A mixture of petrol and diesel
iv.   A mixture of sulphur and iron fillings
v.     Oil from seed

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