·         This paper consists of sections A and B.

·         Answer all questions in all section.

·         All writings must be in blue or black ink except drawings which must be in pencil.



Answer all questions in this section

01.  For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the most correct answer from among the given alternatives and write its letter in the answer sheet provided.

                    i.      A laboratory is a special room:

A.    Designed for chemical storage

B.     Designed for specimen

C.     Designed to carry out scientific experiments

D.    For storing chemical apparatii


                  ii.      A good chemistry laboratory must have a fume chamber in order:

A.    To allow students relax in the laboratory

B.     To give leisure to students

C.     To allow poisonous fumes move out the laboratory

D.    To ensure enough light in the laboratory


                iii.      The following apparatii are used to measure volumes of liquids in the laboratory:

A.    Measuring cylinder, beaker and burette

B.     Conical flask, burette and pipette

C.     Burette, pipette and measuring cylinder

D.    Conical flask, beaker and burette


                iv.      Which among the following apparatii can be used to grind chalk into powder?

A.    Spatula

B.     Safety pin

C.     Mortar and pestle

D.    Test tube brush


                  v.      Which among of the following is not a feature of a good chemistry laboratory:

A.    It must have proper lighting

B.     It should have proper ventilation

C.     It must have no storage room

D.    It should have source of heat and water


                vi.      Fainting is a suddenly loss of:

A.    Body weight

B.     Confidence

C.     Consciousness

D.    Competence


              vii.      Who is a victim?

A.    A person with disability

B.     A person who is in need of money

C.     A person who has faced an accident

D.    An educated person


            viii.      Why Fist Aid is important to a victim?

A.    Because a victim likes it

B.     Because it is cheap to provide

C.     Because it promotes recovery time

D.    Because it causes permanent disability


                ix.      A student as a user of a chemistry laboratory has to take note of the warning signs so as:

A.    To get correct results during experiments

B.     To make friendship with teacher

C.     To be safe when working with chemicals

D.    To avoid chemical contact


                  x.      The labels on chemical containers must be checked regularly to ensure that:

A.    The chemicals contain no impurities

B.     We don’t store empty bottles

C.     The chemicals have expired

D.    To avoid chemical contact


02.  (a) Match the apparatii in LIST A with their corresponding uses in LIST B



i.                    Stop watch

ii.                  Watch glass

iii.                Test tube

iv.                Beaker

v.                  Measuring cylinder


A.     Used for observation of chemicals or specimen

B.     Used for heating small amount of chemicals for a short time

C.     Used for holding and heating chemicals

D.     Used to record time taken for complete reaction

E.      Used to measure fixed volumes of liquids

F.      Used to measure volume of different liquids in the laboratory


2(b) Fill in the blanks with the correct answers

                                i.            Burns caused by hot liquids or vapour are called____________

                              ii.            An immediate help given to a victim before taking him or her to hospital for further treatment is ____________

                            iii.            An apparatus that measures fixed volume of liquids in the laboratory is ____________

                            iv.            An apparatus for chopping small amount of substance is ____________

                              v.            A component of First Aid Kit used to secure a bandage is ____________

                            vi.            A small box containing tool and instruments for First Aid is ____________

                          vii.            A component in the First Aid Kit that is used to take victim’s body temperature is called a ____________

                        viii.            A set of instructions on how the tools and equipment found in the First Aid Kit are used is called ____________

                            ix.            An injury caused by a body coming into contact with chemicals or hot substance is called ____________

                              x.            A chemical warning sign that indicates the substance that catch fire easy is ____________



Answer all questions in this section

03.  (a) Define the following terms

                                i.            Chemistry

                              ii.            Science

                            iii.            Matter

                            iv.            Laboratory

(b) Mention four agricultural chemicals that are produced in agriculture by the use of chemistry knowledge.

(c) Who is a person studying chemistry?


04.  (a) Most of students in secondary schools do not take chemistry simply because they do not know the importance of subject. As a chemistry taker, what are the importance of chemistry?

(b) Mention four apparatii that can be used to measure volumes of different liquids in the laboratory.

(c) What is the function of soap as the component of the First Aid Kit?


05.  (a) Why is it important to take note of the warning signs?

(b) Draw and give the meaning of the following warning signs.

                                i.            Corrosive

                              ii.            Toxic

                            iii.            Explosive

                            iv.            Flammable


06.  (a) Define the following terms

(b) Give any four (4) differences of the two types of flame produced by the Bunsen burner.

(c) Why fridges and freezers used in the laboratory must be labelled “FOR CHEMICAL USE ONLY”?


07.  (a) Give three (3) reasons to why non-luminous flame is the most used flame in the laboratory.

(b) List any five (5) importance of giving First Aid to a victim.

(c) In exception of the Bunsen burner list any two (2) sources of heat that are used in the laboratory.


08.  (a) Mention one (1) use of luminous flame and three (3) uses of non-luminous flame.

(b) List six steps followed when solving a scientific problem.


09.  (a) With two (2) examples each, list the three states of matter.

(b) Study the figure below and write the process represented by the letters A, B, C and D.

A –

B –

C –

D –


10.  (a) For the following changes of states of matter state whether is physical or chemical change.

                                i.            Melting of snow

                              ii.            Rusting of iron

                            iii.            Drying of wet cloth

                            iv.            Burning of charcoal

(b) Give any four (4) differences between physical and chemical change.

(c) Why do we study the changes of states of matter? (Any two reasons)


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