04. Fuel and Energy


01.For each of the following items, choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheet.

i)     The following are natural fuels except;

A. Wood, charcoal

B. Natural gas, coal

C. Peat, petroleum

D. Wood, coal


ii)   A good fuel should:

A. Be expensive

B. Be available in small amount

C. Be easily burnt in presence of carbon dioxide

D. Not producing poisonous gases


iii)  The most important sold fuel which contain volatile matter is:

A. Coke

B. Coal

C. Petroleum

D. Water gas


iv)   The most important gaseous fuels used in industries are:

A. Coal gas and hydrogen gas

B. Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

C. Water gas and producer gas

D. Natural gas and crude petroleum


v)     Water possesses two forms of energy which are:

A. Kinetic energy and thermal energy

B. Potential energy and electrical energy

C. Tidal energy and wind energy

D. Hydroelectric energy and solar energy
















02.Define the following terms:

i.     Energy value

ii.   Ignition point

iii.  Kinetic energy

iv.   Potential energy


03.List the major four (4) components of coal


04.List the four (4) important types of coal


05.(a) Define energy

(b) State the principle of conservation of energy


06.Mention one device that can perform each of the following conversions of energy:

i.     From mechanical energy to electrical energy

ii.   From electrical to heat energy

iii.  From electrical to mechanical energy

iv.   From electrical to sound energy

v.     From solar energy to electrical energy


07.(a) Define energy value of fuel

(b) A mass of 20 g of petrol was burnt in air. The heat produced was used to heat 2.5 litres of water. Given that the heat value of petrol is

43 640 KJ/Kg, what was the temperature change in water? (Given specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 KJKg-1K-1 and density of water is 1000 Kg/m3)


08.(a) Define renewable sources of energy

(b) Write two main advantages of biofuels

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04. Fuel and Energy
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