05. Atomic structure


01.For each of the following items, choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the item number in your answer sheet.

i)     The pure chemical substance which cannot split into two or more simpler substances by any chemical means is:-

A. An element

B. An atom

C. A compound

D. A mixture


ii)   In 1803 an Englishman called ________ developed the theory about the atom.

A. John Dalton

B. Neil’s Bohr

C. Mendeleev

D. John Newlands


iii)  The following are the properties of proton, except:

A. It is a positively charged particle

B. Its charge is +1

C. It is found in the nucleus of an atom

D. Its symbol is N+1


iv)   The arrangement of electrons in different shells is referred to as:

A.  Energy level

B. The periodic trend

C. Electronic configuration

D. Stability of an atom


v)     The isotopes of hydrogen are:

A. Hydrogen, bi-hydrogen, and Helium

B. Hydrogen, Deuterium and tritium

C. Carbon-12, carbon-13 and carbon-14

D. Hydrogen, Nitrogen and Oxygen














02.Define the following terms

i.     Matter

ii.   An atom

iii.  Electronic configuration

iv.   Atomic number

v.     Relative atomic mass (RAM)


03.(a)State the four (4) Modern concepts of Dalton’s Atomic Theory

(b)Mention the three sub-atomic particles with their respective properties.


04.(a) Define Isotopes

(b) Calculate the relative atomic mass (RAM) of chlorine given the two isotopes of chlorine as 3517Cl (75%) and 3717Cl (25%).


05.(a) Atom Q has a mass number of 49 and an atomic number of 24.

i.     What is its neutron number?

ii.   What is the number of electrons in the atom Q?

(b)Write the electronic configuration of the element 15M, then state the group and period in which element M belongs. 

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05. Atomic structure
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