Test 02 Form one chemistry


Time: 80 min


Answer all questions

1)    For each of the following items, choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives and write its letter beside the number item.

i.        Which state of matter with particles closely packed together?

A.    Solid

B.    Liquid

C.    Gaseous


ii.        The process through which a solid substance changes directly into gas without passing liquid state is:

A.    Sublimation

B.    Deposition

C.    Evaporation


iii.        Which series of processes is correct for an ice to change into water vapour?

A.    Melting, boiling

B.    Melting, deposition

C.    Boiling, condensation


iv.        An element whose chemical symbol is the first two letters from its English name is:

A.    Magnesium

B.    Calcium

C.    Sodium


v.        Which statement is not true about a physical change?

A.    It is an irreversible change

B.    It is a reversible change

C.    It does not affect the composition of the substance


vi.        Among the following, which one is a chemical change?

A.    Water freezes to form an ice

B.    A chalk grinded into powder

C.    An iron sheet gets rust


vii.        Air composes _______ % by volume of nitrogen.

A.    78

B.    21

C.    3


viii.        Which method can be used to separate the mixture of water and floating solid particles?

A.    Decantation

B.    Filtration

C.    Fractional distillation


ix.        Which reason supports the statement “Water is a compound and not a mixture”?

A.    Formation of water involves chemical change

B.    Formation of water involves physical change

C.    Components of water may be seen separately


x.        The condition in which the lungs are not getting enough oxygen causing difficult in breathing is called:

A.    Suffocation

B.    Fainting

C.    Shock


2)    For each of the following statements write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

       i.        Changes of states of matter is helpful in rainfall formation _________

      ii.        Sour of milk is the physical change of matter ______________

    iii.        Air is a homogeneous mixture that forms an alloy _______________

     iv.        Mercury is a liquid metal whose chemical symbol is Hg ________________

      v.        Water freezes to form water vapour __________


3)    (a) Define the following terms

                      i.        Matter

                    ii.        Boiling point

                   iii.        Melting point

                   iv.        Physical change

                     v.        Chemical change


(b) State any five (5) differences between physical and chemical change.


4)    (a) Changes of states of matter is very important in our daily life. State any five (5) importance of changes of states of matter.

(b) State whether each of the following changes is either physical or chemical change.

                      i.        Drying of a wet cloth

                    ii.        Melting of an ice

                   iii.        Grinded chalk

                   iv.        Evaporation of water

                     v.        Decaying of fish


5)    (a) Air is a homogeneous mixture of different gases in the atmosphere. Giving five (5) reasons, state why air is mixture and not a compound.

(b) A metal X was left exposed to air with moisture for two days. The metal was observed to have a reddish-brown colour on its surface.

                      i.        What is the name of element X?

                    ii.        Write a chemical formula of element X

                   iii.        What is the name of the colour observed on the metal surface?

                   iv.        Write any two methods that can be used to remove the colour observed on a metal surface.


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Test 02 Form one chemistry
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